Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/636

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610 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1851. Coast survey. Survey of the Coast.- For survey . of the coast of the United In general. States, including compensation to superintendent and assistants, (and excluding the pay and rations of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) one hun— dred and eighty thousand dollars. Coasts,8;e.,of For continuing the survey of the reefs, shoals, keys, and coasts of Smith Fl°“d"· South Florida, by the superintendent of the coast survey, (and excluding the pay and rations of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) thirty thousand dollars. Western eeast. For continuing the survey of the western coast of the United States by the superintendent of the coast survey, one hundred thousand dollars. Independent Independent Treasury.—For salaries of the assistant treasurers of ¤”g:,¤'Y· the United States, at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, mes' eleven thousand five hundred dollars. For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans, of five hundred dollars-fifteen hundred dollars. For salaries of ten clerks, authorized by the act of sixth August, 1846, eh_ 9D_ eighteen hundred and forty-six, and of the twelfth of August, eighteen 1848, eh. 166. hundred and forty-eight, nine thousand six hundred dollars, the salary ”}:l_‘;,’:’;.$erk‘;€ of the clerk of the sub-treasurer at New Orleans being hereby in- New (),·]m,s_ creased from first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, to fifteen hundred dollars. For salary of the chief clerk of the assistant treasurer at New York, fifteen hundred dollars. For contingent expenses under the act for the safe keeping, collecting, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, of sixth August, 1846. ch- 90- eighteen hundred and forty-six, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That no part of said sum of sixteen thousand five hundred dollars shall be expended for clerical services. Special agents. For compensation to special agents to examine books, accounts, and 1846, ch- 90- money on hand in the several depositories, under the act of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, five thousand dollars. M,,c,,u,,,,,,,,,,,_ Jlliscellaneous.-Iior expenses of loans and treasury notes, twenty thousand dollars. For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted under course of settlement at the treasury, five thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the appropriation shall be drawn from the treasury, except in pursuance of some law or resolution of Congress authorizing the expenditure. Sick s,,,m,,,,_ For supply of deficiencies in the fund for the relief of sick seamen, two hundred thousand dollars. Snrveyorsgren- Surveyors-General and their Clerks. —For compensation of the 3'::ks"‘“d l °“' surveyor-general of Oregon, and the clerks in his office, six thousand ` five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general north-west of the Ohio, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Illinois and Missouri, gn;} the clerks in his office, five thousand eight hundred and twenty 0 lars. For compensation of the surveyor·general of Louisiana, and the clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Florida, and the clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For clerks in the offices of the surveyors-general, to be apportioned