Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/374

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97 STAT. 342 Notification of Committees on Appro- priations. 40 USC 601 note. PUBLIC LAW 98-63—JULY 30, 1983 CHAPTER XI DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Of the sums appropriated for Office of the Secretary, Salaries and Expenses, not to exceed $18,500 may be used for official reception ana representation functions. Of the sums appropriated for International Affairs, not to exceed $66,500 may be used for official reception and representation functions. U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE For payment of claims against the United States Customs Service, $2,430. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT For an additional amount for "Operating expenses", $141,000. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $669,000. INDEPENDENT AGENCIES GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL BUILDINGS FUND LIMITATIONS ON AVAILABILITY OF REVENUE In addition to the aggregate amount heretofore made available for real property management and related activities in fiscal year 1983, $8,102,000 shall be made available for such purposes and shall remain available until expended for the construction and acquisi- tion of facilities, as follows: Payment of Construction Claims: Florida: Fort Lauderdale, Courthouse and Federal Office Building and Parking Facility, $442,300. Georgia: Atlanta, Courthouse and Federal Office Building, $7,075,000. Mississippi: Hattiesburg, Courthouse and Federal Building, $213,100, Jackson, Federal Office Building, $125,600. South Carolina: Columbia, Federal Building and United States Courthouse, $246,000: Provided, That the immediately foregoing limits of costs may be exceeded to the extent that savings are effected in other such projects but by not to exceed 10 per centum: Provided further. That claims against the Government of less than $10,000 arising from direct construction projects, acquisition of buildings, and purchase contracts projects pursuant to Public Law 92-313 he liquidated with prior notification of the Committees on Appropriations of the House