Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/1008

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2168 National Narcotics Act of 1984. Drugs and drug abuse. Law enforcement. 21 USC 1201 note. 21 USC 1201.

National Drug Enforcement Policy Board, establishment. 21 USC 1202.


SEC. 1301. This chapter may be cited as the "National Narcotics Act of 1984". SEC. 1302. (a) The Congress hereby makes the following findings: (1) The flow of illegal narcotics into the United States is a major and growing problem. (2) The problem of illegal drug activity falls across the entire spectrum of Federal activities both nationally and internationaly. (3) Illegal drug trafficking is estimated by the General Accounting Office to be an $80,000,000,000 per annum industry in the United States. (4) The annual consumption of drugs has reached epidemic proportions. (5) Despite the efforts of the United States Government and other nations, the mechanisms for smuggling opium and other hard drugs into the United States remain virtually intact and United States agencies estimate that they are able to interdict no more than 5 to 15 percent of all hard drugs flowing into the country. (6) Such significant indicators of the drug problem as drugrelated deaths, emergency room visits, hospital admissions due to drug-related incidents, and addiction rates are soaring. (7) Increased drug trafficking is strongly linked to violent, addiction-related crime and recent studies have shown that over 90 percent of heroin users rely upon criminal activity as a means of income. (8) Much of the drug trafficking is handled by syndicates, a situation which results in increased violence and criminal activity because of the competitive struggle for control of the domestic drug market. (9) Controlling the supply of illicit drugs is a key to reducing the crime epidemic confronting every region of the country. (10) The magnitude and scope of the problem requires the establishment of a National Drug Enforcement Policy Board, chaired by the Attorney General, to facilitate coordination of all Federal efforts by relevant agencies. (11) Such a Board must have responsibility for coordinating the operations of Federal agencies involved in attacking this problem through the development of policy and resources, so that a unified and efficient effort can be undertaken. (b) It is the purpose of this Act to insure— (1) the maintenance of a national and international effort against illegal drugs; (2) that the activities of the Federal agencies involved are fully coordinated; and (3) that a single, competent, and responsible high-level Board of the United States Government, chaired by the Attorney General, will be charged with this responsibility of coordinating United States policy with respect to national and international drug law enforcement. SEC. 1303. There is established in the executive branch of the Government a Board to be known as the "National Drug Enforcement Policy Board" (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Board"). There shall be at the head of the Board a chairman who shall be the Attorney General (hereinafter in this Act referred to as