Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/68

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2440

PUBLIC LAW 98-524—OCT. 19, 1984

and shall be deemed to be part of its allotment foi the year in which it is obligated. "(c)(l) The allotment ratio for any State shall be 1.00 less the product of— "(A) 0.50; and "(B) the quotient obtained by dividing the per capita income for the State by the per capita income for all the States (exclusive of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands), except that (i) the allotment ratio in no case shall be more than 0.60 or less than 0.40 and (ii) the allotment ratio for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be 0.60. "(2) The allotment ratios shall be promulgated by the Secretary for each fiscal year between October 1 and December 31 of the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the determination is made. Allotment ratios shall be computed on the basis of the average of the appropriate per capita incomes for the three most recent consecutive fiscal years for which satisfactory data are available. "(3) The term 'per capita income' means, with respect to a fiscal year, the total personal income in the calendar year ending in such year, divided by the population of the area concerned in such year. "(4) For the purposes of this section, population shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of the latest estimates available to the Department. "WITHIN STATE ALLOCATION

20 USC 2312. Post, p. 2450. Post, p. 2455. Post, p. 2445. Post, p. 2441.

"SEC. 102. (a) Each State shall allocate from its allotment in each fiscal year— "(1) 57 percent for activities described in part A of title II, and "(2) 43 percent for activities described in part B of title II. "(b) Each State, from the portion of its allotment available for statewide activities under section 113(b), shall allocate not to exceed 7 percent of the allotment of the State for administrative expenses or if the cost of carrying out the provision of section 111(b)(1) exceeds 1 percent of the allotment, the limitation under this subsection shall be 7 percent plus the excess costs. "INDIAN AND HAWAIIAN NATIVES PROGRAMS

20 USC 2313.

contracts with U.S. Ante, p. 2438.

"SEC. 103. (a)(1) For the purpose of this section— "(A) the term 'Act of April 16, 1934' means the Act entitled 'An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to arrange with States or territories for the education, medical attention, relief of distress, and social welfare of Indians, and for other purposes', enacted April 16, 1934 (48 Stat. 596; 25 U.S.C. 452457); and "(B) the term 'Hawaiian native' means any individual any of whose ancestors were natives, prior to 1778, of the area which now comprises the State of Hawaii. "(2) From the funds reserved pursuant to section 101(a)(1)(B), the Secretary shall enter into contracts for Indian and Hawaiian native programs in accordance with the provisions of this section. "(b)(1) From the funds reserved pursuant to section 101(a)(l)(B)(i), the Secretary is directed, upon the request of any Indian tribe which