Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/75

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-524—OCT. 19, 1984

98 STAT. 2447

"(B) assurances that the State will comply with the distribution of assistance requirements contained in section 203; Post, p. 2453. and "(C) assurances that, to the extent consistent with the number and location of individuals described in clauses (1) and (2) of section 201(b) in the State who are enrolled in Post, p. 2450. private elementary and secondary schools, provision is made for the participation of such individuals in the vocational education program assisted under part A of title II of this Act;

"(2) set forth the planned uses of Federal funds available for vocational education for each fiscal year for which the plan is submitted and describe how the State did carry out the provisions of section 113(a)(3); "(3) describe progress the State has made in achieving the goals set forth in each State plan subsequent to the initial State plan; "(4) provide assurances that the State will distribute at least 80 percent of the funds made available for parts A and B of title II to eligible recipients, or combination of eligible recipients. except that the State will distribute 100 percent of the funds available for clauses (1) and (2) of section 202, relating to the disadvantaged and the handicapped, to eligible recipients in accordance with section 203(a); "(5) set forth the criteria the State board will use in approving applications of eligible recipients and allocating funds made available under this Act to such recipients, which shall ensure that States will allocate more Federal funds to eligible recipients in units of local government which are economically depressed (including both urban and rural units) or which have high unemployment, as determined by the State; "(6) provide such methods of administration as are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the Act; "(7) provide assurances that, in the use of funds available for single parents and homemakers under section 201(b)(3), that the State will emphasize assisting individuals with the greatest financial need, and that in serving homemakers the State will give special consideration to homemakers who because of divorce, separation, or the death or disability of a spouse must prepare for paid employment; "(8) provide assurances that the State will furnish relevant training and vocational education activities to men and women who desire to enter occupations that are not traditionally associated with their sex; "(9)(A) provide assurances that the State will develop measures for the effectiveness of programs assisted under this Act in meeting the needs identified in the State plan, including evaluative measurements such as— "(i) the occupations to be trained for, which will reflect a realistic assessment of the labor market needs of the State; "(ii) the levels of skills to be achieved in particular occupations, which will reflect the hiring needs of employers; and "(iii) the basic employment competencies to be used in performance outcomes, which will reflect the hiring needs of employers;

Post, p. 2450.

Ante, p. 2445.

Post, pp. 2450, 2455. Post, p. 2452. Post, p. 2453. Ante, p. 2435.

Post, p. 2450.