Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/888

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 3260 42 USC 6926.

PUBLIC LAW 98-616—NOV. 8, 1984

(2) The third sentence of section 3006(b) is amended by inserting after "hazardous waste" the following "(and to enforce permits deemed to have been issued under section 3012(d)(1))". RECOVERY AND RECYCUNG OF USED OIL

Ante, p. 3258.

SEC. 242. Section 3014(a) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (entitled "Restrictions on Recycled Oil"), as redesignated by section 502 of this Act and amended by section 241 of this Act, is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and substituting ", consistent with the protection of human health and the environment.". EXPANSION DURING INTERIM STATUS

SEC. 243. (a) Subtitle C of the Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended by adding the following new section after section 3014: " E X P A N S I O N DURING INTERIM STATUS Ante, p. 3258. 42 USC 6936. Ante, p. 3241.

Ante, p. 3233. Ante, pp. 3241, 3242.

"SEC. 3015. (a) WASTE PILES.—The owner or operator of a waste pile qualifying for the authorization to operate under section 3005(e) shall be subject to the same requirements for liners and leachate collection systems or equivalent protection provided in regulations promulgated by the Administrator under section 3004 before October 1, 1982, or revised under section 3004(o) (relating to minimum technological requirements), for new facilities receiving individual permits under subsection (c) of section 3005, with respect to each new unit, replacement of an existing unit, or lateral expansion of an existing unit that is within the waste management area identified in the permit application submitted under section 3005, and with respect to waste received beginning six months after the date of enactment of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. "(\)) LANDFILLS AND SURFACE IMPOUNDMENTS.—(1) The owner or operator of a landfill or surface impoundment qualifying for the authorization to operate under section 3005(e) shall be subject to the requirements of section 3004(o) (relating to minimum technological requirements), with respect to each new unit, replacement of an existing unit, or lateral expansion of an existing unit that is within the waste management area identified in the permit application submitted under this section, and with respect to waste received beginning 6 months after the date of enactment of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. "(2) The owner or operator of each unit referred to in paragraph (1) shall notify the Administrator (or the State, if appropriate) at least sixty days prior to receiving waste. The Administrator (or the State) shall require the filing, within six months of receipt of such notice, of an application for a final determination regarding the issuance of a permit for each facility submitting such notice. "(3) In the case of any unit in which the liner and leachate collection system has been installed pursuant to the requirements of this section and in good faith compliance with the Administrator's regulations and guidance documents governing liners and leachate collection systems, no liner or leachate collection system which is different from that which was so installed pursuant to this section shall be required for such unit by the Administrator when issuing the first permit under section 3005 to such facility, except that the Administrator shall not be precluded from requiring installation of a new liner when the Administrator has reason to believe that any