Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/334

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1444

PUBLIC LAW 99-198—DEC. 23, 1985

accumulation of sugar acquired by the Commodity Credit Corporation. (b) Effective only for the 1985/1986 quota year for sugar imports, President of U.S. the President shall— (1) modify the 1985/1986 quota year for imports for sugar so that such quota year will end no earlier than December 31, 1986, and rearrange the shipping schedules so that shipments are divided equally throughout the quota year, as extended; or (2) require that the sugar program be administered in such a manner as will result in the forfeiture of sugar held by the Commodity Credit Corporation as collateral for price support loans in a quantity no greater than the total quantity (determined by the Secretary of Agriculture) that would have been forfeited to the Commodity Credit Corporation had the 1985/ 1986 quota year been modified as prescribed in clause (1). Prohibition. (c) Beginning with the quota year for sugar imports which begins Cuba. after the 1985/1986 quota year, the President shall not allocate any of the sugar import quota under such provisions to any country that is a net importer of sugar derived from sugarcane or sugar beets unless the appropriate officials of that country verify to the President that that country does not import for reexport to the United States any sugar produced in Cuba. i «f


SEC. 903. (a) Section 401(e) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1421(e)) is amended by— (1) inserting "(1)" after the subsection designation; and (2) adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: Contracts. "(2)(A) If the assurances under paragraph (1) are not adequate to cause the producers of sugar beets and sugarcane, because of the bankruptcy or other insolvency of the processor, to receive maximum benefits from the price support program within 30 days after the final settlement date provided for in the contract between such producers and processor, the Secretary, on demand made by such producers and on such assurances as to nonpayment as the Secretary shall require, shall pay such producers such maximum benefits less benefits previously received by such producers. "(B) On such payment, the Secretary shall— "(i) be subrogated to all claims of such producers against the processor and other persons responsible for nonpayment; and

"(ii) have authority to pursue such claims as necessary to recover the benefits not paid to the producers. "(C) The Secretary shall carry out this paragraph through the Commodity Credit Corporation.". 7 USC 1421 note. (b) The amendments made by this section shall apply to nonpayments occurring after January 1, 1985. TITLE X—GENERAL COMMODITY PROVISIONS ^I'^n



Prohibitions. 7 USC 1308.

SEC. 1001. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (1) For each of the 1986 through 1990 crops, the total amount of payments (excluding disaster pa3mients) that a person shall be