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the comfortable confines of the familiar search engine. While the major search engines continue to improve each year, they are far from the be all and end all of search. The problem with general search tools is that they cannot provide targeted or tailored results, certainly not without a lot of work on the part of the user. For this reason, a large part of Untangling the Web is devoted to other ways to uncover information, be it subject guides, "deep web" resources, targeted search tools, or unusual tips and techniques for revealing what is hidden.

Again this year, I have included detailed information on how to use Google, Yahoo, Gigablast, and Live Search (formerly MSN Search) to find very specific data. I have also updated and expanded the section on Exalead and added Ask to the major search engines. However, unless you spend a fair amount of time using each of these search tools, you will probably find their many options too complicated and cumbersome for everyday use. A different approach is to use specialized search tools, which begs the question of how to find these tools. Untangling the Web maps a number of the Internet's less-traveled roads, i.e., excellent but unheralded specialty search tools such as Fagan Finder, Amazon's A9 multipurpose search, and ThomasGlobal's business search. Also, the section on international search is substantially larger than before.

In recognition of the growing importance and influence of collaborative websites, there are several new sections in this year's book. One is a separate section devoted to Wikipedia, contributed in part by my colleague Diane White. Video and audio search exploded during 2006, and this year's edition contains a new and extensive examination of video search sites as well as a new section on audio search and podcasting. Two other new sections are devoted to custom search engines and book search, neither of which is an entirely new technology but both of which spread in popularity and improved in quality in the past year. Custom search is fast becoming a replacement for web directories, which continue their slide into irrelevance.

The section on researching and understanding the Internet now begins with a new section on "internetworkinq." This tutorial is a response to a number of requests from people such as myself who need basic knowledge and understanding of how the Internet works without too much technical jargon or expertise. I hope you find that it falls in a comfortable middle ground between simplistic and abstruse.

Once again, the section on privacy and security grows in proportion to concerns about protecting our privacy and security on the Internet. Fortunately, as the problems increase and the malicious users become more enterprising, so do the ways and means for protecting ourselves. However, home computer security is a personal responsibility few people take seriously until it is too late. Untangling the Web's privacy and security information is designed to help users avoid becoming victims and instead take the offense in protecting themselves, their families, and by extension, the Internet community from the Internet's evil-doers. The 2007 edition includes new sections on clearing private data in Firefox, encrypting files in