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DOCID: 4046925


Example of a filetype: search:

[filetype:doc bulletin] will find MSWord documents containing the keyword bulletin

For details on how to use the Google filetype option, please refer to the Google Filetype help FAQ. Also, there are a number of undocumented file type searches available using Google.

Google Special Search Features

Spell Checker: Google has a very good spell check option. When you input a query, Google checks to see if you are using the most common spelling of the keyword. If not, Google nicely asks, "Did you mean: x?" where x is the most common spelling. I really love this because Google doesn't presume. Sometimes you are intentionally misspelling a term. The classic example is [http referrer]. This computer term is almost always misspelled, so searching on [http referrer] won't yield nearly as many results as searching on the misspelled term. Google's dictionary also includes proper names.

Calculator: the Google calculator will evaluate basic and complicated mathematical expressions as well as convert units of measurement and physical constants. Soople makes the Google calculator extremely easy to use. For detailed help in using the calculator, see:

Dictionary: Google has integrated dictionary definitions into its search options. Nothing could be easier to use. Underlined keywords appearing at the top of the results page are linked to

Define: new to Google is the define option. To use it, enter define then a word or phrase. This feature augments the dictionary option by searching a wider variety of sources. For example, the query [define blog] will return a web definition as the first result. The advantage of the define option is that the definition appears at the top of