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Despite all its limitations, I am intrigued by the potential this tool offers. For example, if I were looking back over the past couple of years for a very obscure term, I would definitely use Google Trends to see if I could discern anything useful from this data.

Google Guides

Did you know that Google publishes "a variety of reviewer's guides to selected Google products on the Google Press Center" designed for journalists who are reviewing these products? However, the guides are very well done and include a lot of useful set-up and user instructions.

Web Tip
Everything isn’t on the Internet
(or it’s not free)!

Contrary to popular opinion, everything is not on the Internet. In fact, much of the kind of information you are used to working with is not and never will be on the Internet. Unrealistic expectations about the kinds of information you may find on the Internet can lead to frustration and wasted time and effort. A general rule of thumb: the more sensitive, rare, or expensive the information, the less likely it is to be on the Internet. Also, much valuable data on the Internet requires payment.