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DOMESDAY SURTY Waroine. The fee of the ri:;:- T:vi can ;t ,.~._.i:.. .itzzizti li ihi: held later of the earl of Warrrt : Constantme de Mortuo Msri. It will be noticed thi: -.r.t Z :~t:ii-r ztz:.-.:- :::ea rq>re;r-.: it---

  • antecessores.' Thus,; -.r.t .-.:i-:z: i ii: ~=-r[—^i T.rt. ir

Heliun the Breton represer.:; 1;-::^... .-.:^7- : .t ? ..:- r. :- ? .ir:: Z_r.i and, as in Essex, Reimond Girald;* vrhUe Dre it Zr_ :.::t: ^r.i Z_i; of Spiruwic seon both to stand in the sh : ; ; : : H _ ~ . : -"irey (Haagrici St. Omer.* Peter de Valoignes representee Z r :r .. ' . trs partner Ar - : We must not, howevo", omitto notice :>.; ^.-.i/T: :r- :- :f-!r!-chief. -^ : v. we find at the end of the sunrev.* Twov.t.-t rr; : ^ .-.r. ir.i C. rzrr both of them tenants in Hoinbleyard hur. irti Tr.t !i::rr j::i > r. r : built a church dedicated to St. Nichoki. : i -; r: : rri twenty acres of land, holding it by divi-:; tr ,;=. Hr :■ : ^. :iiic>j weekly, and sing the |>salnis for the king's re r.t-.:. Tw: : .e^ts, ^rho held by the simil IT Service of saying three ~i:;r n .. ::: :>e .j . : queen, are rr.e-:::-ei as under-tenants c". Zl:'. R:1- ^ rr.aeat ac Ke and Wittc"/ :.:: trev r»aid rent in aci :.:r. Ze.iie; the-se, we z_:_ arblasters 27.L 1." er. r "eer. who is var:; ^rZ. ie.:--.:ei ir j'^ex znd :. tariusJ Tr.t-t vere re :"ably employed in the iefeace of the ess: r : Norwich. A falconer, Edric, held fifteen acrr; i: f /.-'.linger.* A: : e- falconer had a large holding in RedenhaU, but he v. 1, 1: Hr had been quit of court as Earl Ralfs falconer, and ie z: . „;._ . __-_, but paid no rent." The last two chapters before the ' Invasiones ' _ ; . ted to the king's freemen who hold directly of him. Some of these v. tre firmed by Almar. It will be noticed that all of them held lir.z ir. :' r e :r- district of NorfoIL Among the names destined to be better known a: 1 scmewhi: .^:er period, one may mention that of Robert de GlanviHe among the : ier- tenants, among whom also we nc:e V.". Peche {feccaHam), the fbrefc:. e East Anglian house, and, under Rre: P:p-d, Aitard and Robert e (tWj-), whose house held of Rc^er : iie r :.z 1166 no less than t::. :_ :.- Reinald de Perapunt was of that family which settled, under Warenne, in East Anglia and Sussex and gave name to Hurstpierpoint in the latter district The earl of Chester had for tenant Richard de Vernon, his Cheshire baron and Count Alan had enfeoffed Bretons, Ribald, Guihumar, and Gingom." In Norfolk we have less information than usual as to the churches and their glebes, owing to Domesday's practice in this county of including their value, as it warns us," in that of their manors." This was pre-eminently the

  • Dom. Bk. £ i+o* : r. C. H. Eaex, i, 354. » Dam. Bk. CisSi^ X46. ' rtid. £ 193A.
  • .Among these ms one wito hdd bat in tits cmmqr, and onlf a sin^ maaor, and yet wliose naae «as,

in later days, to become great among the faidal buoos, ^is was Hunfic^ de Bohna Q. H. R.).

  • Dom. BL £ 1633. <Ibid.C 133, i53i. ' UM. t. xGgK *79^

•Ilrid.£a-z. *Ifaid.£ia5«.

  • Mr. Rooiid punts oat dke inteicstii^ fid t^t the 'one caracate' in Kcdenkill wUdi, afis RalTs

fbrfeitiire, be held of the king, was stiD held in the thirteenth centafy bf filooner serrice, viz., * kecking and meniag one goshawt ' (Csl rflf- /-«• i. No. 53 ; c£ Tieds, pp^ a83i^ a&l^ etc). " This paragraph asA the nert are br Mr. Roond, who abo calbatteniian to the aane of Wahn of Can (£ 154), an nnder-tenant of Robert Milet, who fiDs an imponant place in ^epedBgiee of the Stewarts and ^e Cbesnep. (See Grwtx^isi, xrii, pp. 6 and 13 ; and Eatx Jrck TVm: (New Ser.), nii, l9a-l9S.} " c.g. Dom. Bk. ff. 172, ao8. ° We may, honever, note an interesting cmc of joint endowment at Swantnn-in-Foraott (£ 189^ wheie there was ' I cfffcsia, 60 acre de libera terra elemosina fJorimoram * (C J). 21