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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK a plough, and (there was) a freewoman with half an acre. Then as now it was worth 41. XXX. LAND OF WILLIAM THE BROTHER OF ROGER DE OTBUR- VILLE BOSEMARA [BoSMERE] HuNDRET At RiNGESHALA [Rlngshall] Godwi a free- man held I carucate of land and 40 acres as a manor. Then i villein. Then 2 ploughs, now half a plough. And 4 bordars. And 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. Half a church with 12 acres. Then 4 rounceys, now I, and 13 swine, 60 sheep, and 32 goats. Worth 47J. Of this estate one under commendation to the Abbot of St. Edmund's held 1 1 acres T.R.E. Of this manor Hugh holds 40 acres. And they were worth 5^., (which sum is included) in the above valuation. In the same (vill) a freeman Uluric held 80 acres as a manor. Then i plough. And 4 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 20J., now 8j. Fulcho holds of William. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. fol. 405*. In the same (vill) Trumwin a freeman under the King held 18 acres T.R.E. Now William holds on the demesne. Then half a plough. It was worth y. In RiNGESHALA [Ringshall] Edric a freeman imder commendation to William's predecessor held 5 acres. Now William (holds) on the demesne. Worth izd. In Brieseta [Bricett] Fulcho holds of Wil- liam ; Anschill a freeman under commendation to Leuric Hobbeson held 60 acres, T.R.E., as a manor. Of these William has 40 acres, but it was all delivered to him together. On this estate (terra) is i bordar. And then as now I plough. Worth 10s. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. Of the above 60 acres Hugh de Hosdenc took away 20 acres as Wil- liam says, and as the Hundred (says) ; but Hugh is himself a prisoner in the King's hands {est in captione regit) and so he could not give an answer. XXXI. LANDS OF HUGH DE MONT- FORT Brademara [Bradmere] Hundret In Berham [Barnham] on the demesne (are) 9 freemen with 16 acres and half a plough. In Watefelda [Wattisfield] on the demesne (are) 9 freemen with 16 acres and half a plough. Worth i5i. Saint Edmund (has) the soke. Two of these were under Saint Edmund as to their commendation T.R.E. and 7 under Earl Hugh's predecessor. BisscoPEs [Bishop's] Hundret At Saham [Soham] Oslac the thegn held T.R.E. as a manor i carucate of land. Roger de Candos holds it. Then as now i villein, and 3 bordars, and I serf. And i plough on the demesne. And half a plough belonging to the men. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 10 swine. Then 10 swine, now 12. And fol. 406. 5 beasts. Then 4 sheep, now 12. Then as now worth 20J. The soke (is) the Bishop's. In HoRANT [Horham] the same (Roger de Candos) holds a freeman by commendation (with) 14 acres and half a plough, worth 3*. InBADiNGAFELDA [Bedingfield] the same (holds) 5 freemen by commendation (with) 60 acres and 2 bordars and i J ploughs and 2 acres of meadow, worth 10s. The Bishop (has) the soke. In Badingafelda [Bedingfield] the same (holds) 7 villeins (with) 60 acres and 1^ ploughs. Wood(land) for 40 swine. This lies in Acolt [Occold] and is included in its valuation. The soke (is) the Bishop's. In Blidinga [Blything] Hundret In Stouone [Stoven] Hugh de Montfort holds in demesne 50 acres of land which 4 freemen held T.R.E., and now 3. Half an acre of mea- dow. And 1 plough on the demesne. It was worth then as now J^s., and 1 00 herrings. And the King and the Earl had soke and sac over these 4 men. Hundret of Colonesse [Colneis] In Nachetuna [Nacton] Gutmund held in demesne T.R.E. 2 carucates of land as a manor. Then as now 6 villeins. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now 2. Wood- (land) for 8 swine. 2 acres of meadow. Then I mill, now none. Then 4 rounceys, now i, and I beast. Then 8 swine, now none. Then 23 sheep, now 123. Then 30 goats, now none. Then as now it was worth and is worth 70/.*" It is I J leagues long, and i league broad. And in geld (pays) 2d. In BRiHTOtUESTUNA [ ] (were) 1 8 freemen under commendation to Guthmund with I carucate of land and 20 acres. 4 bordars."* "^ 'it is worth 4/S' ; Inj. El. 143. "* ' 3 bordars ' ; ibid. 542