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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS 1 acre of meadow. Then and afterwards worth IDS., now iSs. On this land Roger de Orbec encroached, and holds it under Richard son of Gilbert. And Richard's men claim it as belong- ing to the fee of Wisgar his predecessor. But according to the testimony of the Hundred it never belonged (to that fee) either by commen- dation or by soke. In Kavanadisc [Cavendish] Aluric, brother of the aforesaid Edric and Witgar's man, encroached upon half his brother's land (viz.) 60 acres. fol. 448. Now Roger de Saint Germain holds it as of Richard's fee. But it never belonged to the fee by commendation or soke. Then as now there was there 1 villein and i bordar and i acre of meadow. In CoRNlERDA [Cornard] Aluric Campo held 2 freemen under commendation only, in Saint Edmund's soke, T.R.E. But after King William came Wisgar encroached (thereon) before the agreement with Richard, who now holds. And (the freemen) had 2 carucates of land and 40 acres. Then and afterwards 4 bordars, now 1 1. Then 5 serfs, now 4. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, now 3 between him and the men. Wood(land) for 30 swine. And 8 acres of meadow. Then 3 liorses. Now 4 beasts. Now 30 swine. Now iio sheep. A church with 15 acres of free land. Then and afterwards it was worth 20s., now it renders 6/;. It is 8 furlongs long, and 4 broad. And (pays) 24^. in geld, whoever holds therein. In Saibamus [ ] freeman (formerly) under Robert by commendation, and in Saint and sac. But Wisgar held him forfeiture. Now Richard his him. And he had i carucate bordars and 2 serfs. Then as And 7 acres of meadow. Now swine. Worth 20s. Richard holds a son of Wimarc Edmund's soke when he made successor holds of land, and 3 now 1 plough. 50 sheep, and 7 In Kavanadis [Cavendish] Alwold (held) a freeman under Harold by commendation, soke and sac, T.R.E. and after King William came. Now Richard has encroached. And (the free- man) had 1 carucate of land. Then as now i^ ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. Worth 20s. In the same (vill) Richard of Clare encroached upon a freeman (formerly) under King Edward. But his predecessor had no interest whatever {n'tchil omnino) in him. And the (freeman) had I carucate of land. Then 4 villeins, afterwards and now 2, and 7 bordars. And then and afterwards 2 ploughs, now 1. And 1 plough belonging to the men. And 4 acres of meadow. And now I mill. Wood(land) for 10 swine. Worth 20s. fol. 448^. HUNDRET OF BlACBRUNA [BlACKBOURN] In Stantuna [Stanton] a freewoman under commendation to Saint Edmund held 30 acres T.R.E. Worth 5^. In Gnodassala [Knettishall] Saint Edmund held 30 acres T.R.E. and half a mill. Worth In Beordewella [Bardwell] (were) the houses {mansiones) of a certain freeman under Saint Edmund. In the same (vill) half a freeman under Saint Edmund (held) 8 acres. Worth idd. In the same (vill were) 10 acres in the hold- ing of a certain freewoman under Saint Ed- mund. Worth 2od, And in all this W. de Partenai encroached upon the Abbot's right. And he holds the com- mendation of one freeman. HuNDRET OF BoSEMERA [BoSMERE] In Sumersam [Somersham] (was) a freeman Uluric by name with 12 acres. Worth 4;. Of him was Ralph the Earl seised when he forfeited: and his predecessor had the commendation in Nedesteda [Nettlestead]. On this Ulmar the King's reeve encroached, and he gave security. Roger Bigot is his surety. And (the freeman) is in the King's hands. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Brieseta [Bricett] are 20 acres which are attached [jacent) to William de Othoburville's manor, which Anschill held T.R.E. Now a certain woman, (called) Botilt, holds them, and calls Hugh de Hosdenc to warrant. But he is under arrest by the King, and cannot respond. Now these acres are in the King's hand, and Ulmar the reeve has charge of them. Worth 51. In Belham [Baylham] Queen Edith held T.R.E. and as long as she lived half a church with 12 acres. Afterwards William de Burnol- ville held it. Now it is in the King's hand. Worth 2s. Of this he (? Ulmar) gave security. Turstin son of Guy is his surety [fide jussor). Hundret of Stou [Stow] In Fineberga [Finborough] (is) a freeman of whom the predecessor of Roger had half com- mendation. Eustace (had) the other half of the commendation, and afterwards the Count of Moretain held over him. But Roger held him when he left the land, and Robert the crossbow- man {arbalistarius) under him. Now Roger Bigot fol. 449. holds him in hand for the King, until proof of right be made. And he has 1 5 acres of land. Then half a plough, now none. Worth y. 581