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VIDA's Art of

Hard was the way, and dubious, which we trod,
Now show, ye goddesses, a surer road;
Point out those paths, which you can find alone,
To all the world, but to your selves unknown;
Lo! all the Hesperian youths with me implore
Your softer influence, and propitious pow'r,
Who, rang'd beneath my banners, boldly tread
Those arduous tracks to reach your mountain's head;
New rules 'tis now my province to impart;
First to invent, and then dispose with art;
Each a laborious task: but they who share
Heav'ns kinder bounty, and peculiar care;
A glorious train of images may find,
Preventing hope, and crowding on the mind.
The other task to settle every part,
Depends on judgment, and the pow'rs of art;
From whence in chief the poet hopes to raise
His future glory, and immortal praise.

This, as a rule the noblest bards esteem,
To touch at first in gen'ral on the theme;
