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VIDA's Art of

Shines out unsham'd, and tow'rs above the rest,
In the rich spoils of godlike Homer drest;
Let Greece in triumph boast that she imparts
To Latium's conq'ring realms her glorious arts;
While Latium's sons improve her best designs,
Till by degrees each polisht labour shines;
While Rome advances now in arts, as far
Above all cities, as of old in war.

Ye gods of Rome, ye guardian Deities,
Who lift our nation's glory to the skies;
And thou, Apollo, the great source of Troy,
Let Rome at least this single palm enjoy,
To shine in arts supreme, as once in pow'r,
And teach the nations she subdu'd before;
Since discord all Ausonia's kings alarms,
And clouds the ancient glories of her arms.
In our own breasts we sheath the civil sword,
Our country naked to a foreign lord;
Which lately prostrate, started from despair,
Burn'd with new hopes, and arm'd her hands for war;
