Page:Vindication Women's Rights (Wollstonecraft).djvu/324

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are not raiſed above their fellows by ſuperiour temperance or ſanctity. They do not cure for the love of God, but money. Theſe are the prieſts of quackery, though it be true they have not the convenient expedient of ſelling maſſes for ſouls in purgatory, nor churches where they can diſplay crutches, and models of limbs made ſound by a touch or a word.

I am not converſant with the technical terms, nor initiated into the arcana, therefore, I may ſpeak improperly; but it is clear that men who will not conform to the law of reaſon, and earn a ſubſiſtence in an honeſt way, by degrees, are very fortunate in becoming acquainted with ſuch obliging ſpirits. We cannot, indeed, give them credit for either great ſagacity or goodneſs, elſe they would have choſen more noble inſtruments, when they wiſhed to ſhew themſelves the benevolent friends of man.

It is, however, little ſhort of blaſphemy to pretend to ſuch powers!

From the whole tenor of the diſpenſations of Providence, it appears evident to ſober reaſon, that certain vices produce certain effects; and can any one ſo groſsly inſult the wiſdom of God, as to ſuppoſe that a miracle will be allowed to diſturb his general laws, to reſtore to health the intemperate and vicious, merely to enable them to purſue the ſame courſe with impunity? Be whole, and ſin no more, ſaid Jeſus. And, are greater miracles to be performed by thoſe who do not follow his footſteps, who healed the body to reach the mind?
