Page:Virgil - The Georgics, Thomas Nevile, 1767.djvu/75

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Book III.

Disease succeeds, and sad-repining Age,
Pain, and of rav'ning Death the ruthless rage.
Some to displace you'll never fail to find; 85
Then still be watchful to recruit the kind;
And not to feel your fault in time of need,
Prevent your losses by an annual breed.

Nor in the choice of horses less appears
The skilful task: chief from their tend'rest years 90
Let those engage your pains, on whom you place
The pride and promise of the future race.
Of gen'rous Sire the colt with graceful gait
Shifts his light legs, and treads with step elate;
The first to lead, the river's roar essay, 95
And o'er the bridge untry'd to tempt his way;
Nor heeds he vain alarms: of sharp short head,
Lofty his neck, his back of sinewy spread;
His paunch contracted; his bold breast displays
Luxuriant swells in many a fleshy maze. 100
Good steeds a bright bay boast, and blueish gray;
A white and dun the very worst betray.
If from afar the clang of arms he hears,
Restless he starts, erects his quivering ears;
Tremble his limbs; beneath his nostrils wide 105
Collected circles a pent fiery tide:
