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List of the Chiefs in Council and Collectors of Vizagapatam—cont.

Name. Date of appoint- ment. COLLECTOES OF VlZAGAPATAM District— co?)f. William Urquhart Arbuthnot. 3rd July 1834. Arthur Fi-eese . 20th Jan. 1835. William Urquhart Arbuthnot. 2yth March 1837 ... From 26th November 1839, the Collector became also Agent to the Governor for the territories brought under Act XXIV of that year. Patrick Boyle Smollett 6th Jan. 1842. William Urquhart Arbuthnot. 20th Dec. 1843 ... Resigfued the service in 1846 ; appointed to Secretary of State's new Council in 1858. Died 1874. Patrick Boyle Smollett 20th Feb. 1846. Andrew Robertson 14th Sept. 1850. Patrick Boyle Smollett 1st May 1855. Charles William Reade 2l3t July 1857. Edward George Robert Fane ... 7th Oct. 1859. David Freeman tie Carmichael. 11th March 1862 ... Afterwards Member of Council from 30th August 1876 to 9th December 1883. Ap- pointed Special Commissioner to en- quire into the Rampa rebellion of 1881. John Henry Master 20th April 1867. James Innes Minohin 21st April 1868. Robertson John Melville 2l8t Jan. 1870. John Read Daniell 24th April 1873. Alexander MoCallum Webster. 13th May 1874. Harry St. Aubyn Goodrich ... 19th Sept. 1874. R ober tson John M elv il le 3rd Nov. 1876. Harry St. Aubyn Goodrich ... 15th Feb. 1877. John Lee- Warner 16th April 1879. Octavius Butler Irvine 26th Sept. 1879 ... Died at Vizagapatam on the 14th March 1880 from wounds inflicted by a panther. John Henry Garstin ... 16th March 1880 ... Afterwards c.s.i. and Temporary Governor of Madras from Ist December 1890 to 22nd January 1891. Henry Gribble Turner 11th .Tune 1881 ... Most of his previous service had been spent in this district. Evans Charles Johnson 23rd April 188S. Henry Gribble Turner 28th April 1884. William Alexander Willock ... 7th April 1889. CHAP. XI. Appendix.