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Rája of Kurupám it Las purchased a site for an 'Edward VII Coronation Market;' and lastly it has provided the town with a proper water-supply.

This supply depends upon the perennial stream known as the Hanumanta Vanka, which rises in the hills to the west of the town not far from the Simháchalam temple and flows down a deep valley about five miles long into Lawson's Bay. The stream has been dammed up to form a reservoir with a catchment area of six square miles and a capacity of 25 million cubic feet, and from this the water is led 5½ miles through a ten-inch iron main to a service reservoir near the jail, whence it is distributed in the usual way to stand-pipes. The scheme does not command Waltair, which gets its water from wells. The works cost 4½ lakhs, of which Government granted one half and lent the other on the terms then usual, were carried out by the Public Works department, and were handed over to the council in May 1903.