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into the Wadhwán family of the Bombay Presidency and now resides at Súrya Bágh, Vizagapatam, while the other (since deceased) married the Rája of Kurupám in this district. There thus now survive two chief representatives of the various branches of the family; namely, M.R.Ry. A. V. Jagga Rao and the Maháráni Gajapati Rao.

The property of the Godé family includes (besides land in the Gódávari and Ganjám districts) the nine estates of Anakápalle, Bharinikam and Munagapáka in Anakapálle taluk; Godicherla, Koruprólu. Nakkapalli and Srirámpuram in Sarvasiddhi; and Kuppili and Shérmuhammadpuram in Chipurupalle. Of these, all but Bharinikam and Koruprólu (which were subsequently carved out of other properties) were estates which were formed out of the havili land and sold in auction at a fixed assessment in 1802. Except Shérmuhammadpuram, which was bought by Godé Jagga Rao himself, all the others were originally purchased by the Rája of Vizianagram. Anakápalle was sold by him to Godé Súrya Prakása Rao in 1810; Munagapáka was bought by the same Prakása Rao in 1830; Godicherla and Srírámpuram were purchased in 1818 by Súrya Náráyana Rao, but the latter resold Srirámpuram again and after changing hands several times it was eventually bought by Súrya Prakása Rao in 1835; Nakkapalli was sold for arrears of revenue in 1812 in three portions; namely, Nakkapalli, Koruprólu and Pedda Gummalúru, the first of which was eventually, in 1818, bought by Súrya Náráyana Rao; and Kuppili, after passing through several hands, was purchased by the same gentleman in 1836. Of the remaining two properties, Bharinikam consists of one village which originally belonged to the Chipurupalle estate but became separated from it in the course of sales for arrears and was bought by Súrya Prakása Rao in 1822; while Koruprólu, which (as has been seen) was a part of Nakkapalli, was purchased by the same gentleman in 1820. The third of the three subdivisions of Nakkapalli, the village of Pedda Gummalúru, changed hands, it may here be noted, several times until in 1863 the S. S. Prakása Rao and Mungamuri families, whose descendants still own it, acquired it jointly.

When Súrya Náráyana Rao died in 1853, his share of the property was divided between his two sons. Of the above nine estates, five (Anakápalle, Bharinikam, Munagapáka, Godicherla and Srírámpuram) are now in the possession of Maháráni Lady Gajapati Rao; two (Koruprólu and Nakkapalli) were bequeathed for life to her strep-daughter, the Ráni Sáheb of Wadhwán, by the