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lady named Dantalúri Achayya, who in 1843 gave it to her daughter Sági Subhadrayya. She died in 1867 and the property descended to her adopted son, S. Venkata' Súrya Náráyana Jagaánnátha Rázu, the present nominal owner. He mismanaged the estate, the peshkash fell into arrears, and the property was attached and taken under Government management for a time. Subsequently the owner alienated seven different portions of it, and these have been separately registered.

In 1875 he alienated Chouduváda, for services received, to one of his uncles, Kákarlapúdi Narasa Rázu, who had it registered in the name of his minor son, K. Rámachandra Rázu, the present proprietor.

In the same year he also granted Pondúru and Mallavaram to another uncle, K. Chinna Narasa Rázu. This man died in. 1876 leaving a minor son, and the estate was taken under the Court of Wards. The present holder is Kákarlapúdi Venkata Rámayya.

In 1877 the village of Bayyavaram was sold to Dátla Rámachandra Rázu, who disposed of it to J. Rangáchári, who ten years later sold it to a dancing-girl named K. Simháchalam. She died in 1896 and the estate devolved on her adopted daughters, K. Kannamma and B. Rámayamma, the present holders.

In the same year 1877,1[1] Tangédu and Gotiváda were transferred by a rázináma decree to Sági Sitaráma Rázu whose brother, S. Buchchi Rájagópála Rázu, and his three nephews now hold them.

In 1879 Kondala agraháram was disposed of to Púsapáti Súrya Náráyana, whose daughter-in-law, P. B. Bangárayya and granddaughter, Chitti Ammanna alias Venkata Narasayya, are now the proprietors.

In 1884 Jaggampéta, Tadaparti and Timmapuram were sold to Lolla Sanyási Rázu, who in 1888 transferred them to the present proprietrix, a dancing-girl named Pilla Gangu alias Chamanti.

This lady had already obtained the seventh of the subdivisions Peddapálem, in 1884.

In 1898 the zamindar of Tuni, in the Gódávari district obtained possession of what was left of the estate under a mortgage and through process of the civil courts.2[2] It is now registered in his name.

Vajragada :('diamond fort') is a small place of 1,247 inhabitants, lying six miles from Narasapatam off the road to Anakápalle.


  1. 1 B.P., No. 201, dated 24th January 1878.
  2. 2 O.S. No. 9 of 1894 on the file of the Vizagapatam District Court,