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recedes further and further inland as we pass to the south. chap. I. Flora. The value of sál timber is well known as producing the most indestructible railway sleepers. Other interesting plants which may be sought for in the Eastern Gháts are the following:—

Woodfordia fiorihunda, Indigofera pulchella, Anogeissus latifolia,Pterocarpus Marsupium, Martynia diandra (an introduced American weed with handsome flowers and clawlike fruits), Atylosia crassa,Oroxylum indicum, Bauhinia variegata, B. purpurea, B. Vahlii, Butca superba, Vcntilogo calyculata, Terminalia tomentosa, Rhinacanthus communis, Pimpinella Heyneana, Desmodium Cephalotes,D. gyrans, D. pulchellum, Ongeinia dalbergioides, Stercalia urens, Cochlospermum Gossypium, Hymenodictyou excelsum, Coffea benjalensis (found in the Ganjam Maliahs), Adhatoda, Vasaca, Micromelum pubescens, Pogostemon plectranthoides, Hypericum japonicum,Acacia concinna, Clematis smilacifolia, Embelia robusta, Justicia Betonica Thespesia Lanpas, Cansjera Rheedii (parasitic on the roots of other trees), Androsace saxifragxfolia (a small herb of the Gangetic plain but recently found in the Ganjám hills), Dillenia pentagyna, Baliospermum axillare, Flemingia Chappar,Holoptelea integrifolia, Albizzia stpulata, &c.,&e.

In conclusion a note may be added as to tHe assemblages of plants to be found on the more isolated peaks. In Gánjam, close to the Vizagapatam border, the great mass of Mahéndragiri raises its 5,000 feet, and, thanks to the presence of rest houses, has been explored at various times with interesting results. Almost every peak of the Eastern Ghats would repay a visit. Even lesser heights are of interest, as will be seen from the following small collection taken on the summit of Karakakonda, a 2,000 feet hill in the Golgonda taluk of Vizagapatam: Glossocardia linearifolia, Sauropus quadrangularis, Chlorophytum altenuatum,Olax nana, Buettneria herbacea, Tylophora macrantha, T. rotundifolia Ischcemum angustifolium, Grewia dwarf near liliafolia, Grewia dwarf near salvifolia. Of these, Glssocardia linearifolia is a Central Indian plant, Sauropus quadrangularis is not found south of the Gódávari and may be considered a rare plant, Chlorophytum attenuatum belongs to the Western Gháts, Olax nana is only recorded in Hooker's Flora as occurring in the 'hot valleys of the Western Himalayas.' Buettneria herbacea, although not uncommon on out of the way hills, is a most interesting and peculiar little plant. Tylophora macrantha is a, Nilgiri plant, T. rotundifolia is a North and Central Indian plant but is also recorded from the Ánaimalais, Ischcemum angustifolium is not reported further south than Central India. The dwarf Grewias are more interesting still. According to current opinion they must be regarded