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Thou know'st to burst the tyrant gloom
    Of Winter's icy urn;
Teach them to break the envious tomb,
    And to our arms return.

Thou canst not! To our grieving souls
    Thy boasted spell is o'er;
From all thy gifts to those we turn,
    Whom thou canst ne'er restore.

To those o'er whom thy quicken'd turf,
    With earliest snow-drops grows,
Yet fails to wake their wonted smile,
    Or move their deep repose.

Yes; from thy charms to Him we turn,
    Who laid our treasures low,
And, with a Father's love, ordains
    Our discipline of woe:

We look to that unsullied clime,
    Where storm shall never sweep;
Nor fickle Spring the heart beguile,
    Nor drooping mourner weep.