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Lady Flora gave cards for a party at tea,
To flowers, buds, and blossoms of ev'ry degree;
So from town and from country they thronged at the call,
And strove, by their charms, to embellish the hall.
First flock'd the exotics, with ornaments rare,
The tall Oleander and Heliotrope fair;
Camella, resplendent with jewels new set,
And changeful Hydrangia, the heartless coquette.
The Tulips came flaunting in gaudy array,
With Hyacinths, bright as the eye of the day;
Dandy Coxcombs and Daffodils, proudly polite,
With their dazzling red vests, and their corsets laced tight;
While the Soldiers in Green, cavalierly attired,
Were all by the ladies extremely admired;
But the beautiful Lily, with bosom of snow,
Complain'd that those officers star'd at her so,
She was strangely confus'd, and would like to be told
What they saw in her manners that made them so bold.