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They had travell'd enough, in all conscience, to tell
What the ton was abroad, where the great people dwell,
But were ne'er at a ball, or soiree in their life,
Where a city-bred gentleman spoke to his wife."

Mrs. Piony came in, quite late, in a heat,
With the Ice-plant, new-spangled from forehead to feet.
Lobelia, attired like a queen in her pride,
And the Larkspurs, with trimmings new furbished and dyed,
And the Blue-bells and Hare-bells in simple array,
With all their Scotch cousins, from highland and brae.
Acacias and Marigolds clustered together,
And gossiped of scandal, the news, and weather,
What dresses were worn at the wedding so fine
Of Counsellor Thistle, and fair Columbine;
Of the loves of Sweet-William, and Lily, the prude,
'Till the clamors of Babel again seem'd renewed.