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"But will yon be able to use all that you have laid up? And, if not, what good will it do you?" asked the hollyhock, blushing more brightly from the earnestness with which she spoke.

"I never expect to use half of it, but I do not choose to give it away. What good will it do me to hoard it up, do you ask? Why, don't I hear people say, there goes the rich bumble-bee? That pleases me."

"I will tell you how to get rich, too. Open your leaves wide when the sun shines, and gather all the beams you can, and keep them close in your secret chainber. Then, when the dews fall, and you have drank as much as possible, shut yourself up, and do not let a single drop escape on the buds below; so you will be sure to grow larger than they."

But the hollyhock said, "There is no avarice among flowers. We take what our Father sends, and are glad. We do not wrinkle our brows with care, or grow old before our time."

The bumble-bee drew nearer still, and said, "You know nothing at all about the pleasures that wealth can bring. Listen! I think of setting up an equipage. I shall have two glow-worms for postillions; you know their lamps