Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/112

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medies. A very wholeſome and pleaſant kind of punch, made of brandy, vinegar, ſugar and water, had been daily diſtributed amongſt our crew towards the latter end of the paſſage. The ſhips were fumigated every day, and we were very careful that the ſailors ſhould change their clothes whenever they had got wet. It was a ſatisfaction to us to find that theſe precautions had not been taken in vain.


Abode at the Cape of Good Hope—Depoſitions of two French Captains, ſhewing that they had been informed at Batavia by Commodore Hunter of his having ſeen ſome Perſons at the Admiralty Iſlands, dreſſed in the Uniforms of the French Marine—Captain Bligh's Voyage from England in Queſt of the Bread-fruit in the Society Iſlands—Violent Gales from the South Eaſt—Local Cauſe of their Violence—Slave-trade—Excurſions amongſt the Mountains in the Vicinity of the Town—Journey of the Fiſcal—Voyage to Franſche Hoek.

Two officers of health came on board from the Cape Town, in order to learn whether any of our crew were infected with contagious
