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all. And then if you want anything you'll come back to us, won't you? . . . You promise that?”

“Of course.”

“And then there's the book. I know that man in Heriot and Lord's that I told you about. I'll send it to them right away, if you like.”

“Aren't they rather tremendous people for me to begin with? Oughtn't I to begin with some one smaller?”

“Oh! there's no harm in starting at the top. They can't do more than refuse it. But I don't think they will. I believe in it. But how shall I let you know what they say?”

“Oh, I'll come in a week or two and see what's happening—I'll be on a paper by then probably. I say, I don't want the others to know. I'll have supper with them as usual and just tell Mother Brockett afterwards. I don't want to have to say good-bye lots of times. Well”—he moved oft awkwardly towards the door—“You've been most tremendously good to me.”

“Rot, Peter: Don't forget me!”

“Forget you! The best pal I've ever had.” They clasped hands for a moment. There was a pause and then Peter said: “I say—there is a thing you can do if you like—”


“Well—about Miss Rossiter—you'll be seeing her I suppose?”

“Oh yes, often—”

“Well, you might just keep her in mind of me. I know it sounds silly but—just a word or two, sometimes.”

He felt that he was blushing—their hands separated. She moved back from him and pushed at her hair in the nervous way that she had.

“Why, of course—she was awfully interested. She won't forget you. Well, we'll meet at supper.” She moved back with a last little nod at him and he went awkwardly out of the room with a curious little sense of sudden dismissal. Would she rather he didn't know Miss Rossiter, he vaguely wondered. Women were such queer creatures.

As he went downstairs he wondered with a sudden almost shameful confusion whether he was responsible in some way for the awkwardness that the scene had had. He had