Page:War; or, What happens when one loves one's enemy, John Luther Long, 1913.djvu/294

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"Dave—you know she's sick, very sick still. You know that place still hurts when—when—"

Jonathan almost gave himself away that time. After a moment he managed to go on.

"—When you put your arms around her!"

"For God's sake hush !" shrieks Dave, squeezing his hands on his ears. "I'm a beast—a beast—a beast! Come!"

He starts to drag Jon out toward her, but then stops.

"No. I'd do the other thing now. I'd kill her with loving! Yes, I would, Jonthy! Yes; I guess I want her more than—than—anything else."

Well, it makes the tears come to my old eyes yet—what happened. Those two boys put their arms about each other and cried.

Presently Jon says:

"Come with me."

And he points toward the plums.

"No," says Dave, "she wants you, God bless her. After a while—when I'm decent—for