Page:Weird Tales Volume 29 Number 1 (1937-01).djvu/125

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The Thing on the Door-Step

E. Howard affected me. It was not merely that a fine author had passed on, but that I myself had lost something personally. I'm sure that I but voice the sentiments of thousands of your readers. For years his stories had entertained me, and had gotten to mean something to me. I felt I knew his characters myself. I have a suggestion to offer. I really don't know what you will think of it, but here it is. Is there, and I think there is, some way to continue Conan? I know that it is being done with other characters whose authors have passed away, and I'm sure Mr. Howard would be happy if he could know that it was being done. In my humble opinion no finer tribute could be paid an author, and as no one could ever take the place in your magazine of Conan, nothing could ever please your readers more. I have thrilled and adventured with Conan since his first appearance. Please try to have him remain. Let us not lose both of them, and in that manner, in some small way we may perhaps lessen the blow the death of Robert E. Howard has dealt all of us." [Several other readers have expressed the wish that Conan's adventures be continued by other hands, for Mr. Howard's barbarian hero is very popular. But Mr. Howard's style was so compelling and so individual, bearing the marks, not of mere talent, but of actual genius, that we fear any attempt of other and different authors to recapture the mood and style of Mr. Howard's fascinating stories about Conan must fail to accomplish their purpose.—The Editor.]

More Serial Novels

B. M. Reynolds, of North Adams, Massachusetts, writes: "The November issue of Weird Tales was a real top-notcher, and I thoroughly enjoyed it from cover to cover. Many thanks for reprinting the Lovecraft masterpiece, Pickman's Model, one of the most perfect tales of this kind ever written. Like the insidious inspirations of a lotus dream, the horror creeps and grows and gnaws away until it finally bursts in full bloom upon the reader’s consciousness. I derived just as much enjoyment from this second reading of the story as I did from the first, eleven years ago! . . . The Dark Demon by Robert Bloch was excellent, a worthy successor to The Shambler from the Stars. It's a pity Bloch wastes so much time in writing mediocre stories when he is




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