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Henry Kuttner, equally, for The Double Shadow, an exceptionally well-written piece of fantasy, and The Transgressor, which gives a unique and ironical twist to the theory of time-travel. The balance of the issue was well up to standard. It seems to me that, in its new format, WT could now easily reprint some of the longer best stories from past issues, without stealing too much space from the new ones. Even an occasional reprint serial should now meet with the approval of your readers, and there are some bang-up good ones such as Golden Blood and Drome. As to the shorter reprints: Bimini, Lochinvar Lodge, The Space-Eaters, Something from Above, Isle of the Fairy Morgana, The Wand of Doom, and The Arctic Death would, I am sure, be greatly welcomed by a great majority of us."

Hard-Earned Pennies

Eleanor Elizabeth B. writes from Kennebunk, Maine: "Several cheers for the March issue. Bend your little pink ear and let me whisper that I was scared practically out of my few wits after that session with Derleth's The Return of Hastur. Living not so very far from the scene of the—er—crime as I do, it was sort of hair-raising to wonder why Innsmouth is so shunned (if it is). Seabury Quinn's story is a humdinger as usual, but I think the cream of this month's crop was good old Eddie Hamilton's Comrades of Time. I take back everything I ever said about science-fiction. This one has everything, and I hope he brings back all those characters in other stories. My apologies, Eddie; I 'done you wrong’ in my thoughts. . . . I still think WT is the tops in spookiness. I know whereof I speak, 'cause I've thrown away lots of hard-earned pennies trying to find a magazine even half as good, while waiting for the next issue of WT; then I could kick something hard when the trashy ones don't come up to WT. Not that I really expected that they could. One more nosegay: the poems you print are grand."

Robert W. Chambers

Lester Anderson writes from San Francisco: "I should like to say a word about the current WT. Derleth in The Return of Hastur

The Moon Terror


by A. G. Birch

Is a stupendous weird-scientific novel of Oriental intrigue to gain control of the world.

Also—Other Stories

In addition to the full-length novel, this book also contains three shorter stories by well-known authors of thrilling weird-scientific fiction:

'OOZE by Anthony M. Rud

Tells of a biologist who removed the growth limitations from an amoeba, and the amazing catastrophe that ensued.

PENELOPE by Vincent Starrett

Is a fascinating tale of the star Penelope, and the fantastic thing that happened when the star was in perihelion.

by Farnsworth Wright

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