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Weird Tales

MAY, 1949 - Cover by John Giunta


THE DAMP MAN AGAIN - Allison V. Harding - 4

From the depths of men's minds, from the outer reaches of their knowledge come strange and terrible consequences that exceed the mortal imagination.


THE INNER MAN - Arthur J. Burks - 40

If the world is headed towards inevitable doom, perhaps only inhuman efforts will save us.

VAMPIRE KITH AND KIN - Seabury Quinn - 70

The rendezvous, when one claims another for all of time, was to take place beyond the slim walls of this life's dimensions.



These children of our imagination, are they always limited to the region of the mind?

THE DOOR BEYOND - Harold Lawlor - 31

The trail across eternity is as unbending as it is endless.

THE SCRAWNY ONE - Anthony Boucher - 37

To find this one-armed man of undeniable powers there had been a meticulous screening of frauds, fakes, and phonies.

PHOEBE - Malcolm Kenneth Murchie - 54

This gorgeous girl had both a strange birthright and birthmark.

THE ANTIMACASSAR - Greye La Spina - 62

There are hungers of all kinds in this world; some go unsatiated to the grave and beyond.

BUT NOT TO DREAM - John D. MacDonald - 82

Changes that start with the soul are as complete as the mind of man can comprehend.

KINGSRIDGE 214 - August Derleth - 88

A phone rings at night but there is no one at the other end but death and a dedication to revenge.

Except for personal experiences the contents of this magazine is fiction. Any use of the name of any living person or reference to actual events is purely coincidental.

^Published bi-monthly by Weird Tales,. 9 Rockefeller Plaza, Now York 29, N. Y. Reentered as second-class matter January 26, 1940, at the Post Office at New York, N, Y.» under the act of March 3." 1879, Single copies. 25 cents. Subscription rates: One year in the United States and possessions, $1.50. F’oreign and Canadian postage extra. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession.

Copyright, 1949, by Weird Tales. Copyright in Great Britain. n 173 .

Title registered bn U. S. Patent Office.

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I AMO NT BUCHANAN, Associate Editor.