Page:Weird Tales volume 30 number 01.djvu/123

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me is alive and it lacks these "indispensable" bodies. Good God, sir, do you realize what astounding new vistas this opens up?


EXCERPT from The Secret Watchers by the late Halpin Chalmers:

What if, parallel to the life we know, there is another life that does not die, which lacks the elements that destroy our life? Perhaps in another dimension there is a different force from that which generates our life. Perhaps this force emits energy, or something similar to energy, which passes from the unknown dimension where it is and creates a new form of cell life in our dimension. No one knows that such new cell life does exist in our dimension. Ah, but I have seen its manifestations. I have talked with them. In my room at night I have talked with the Doels. And in dreams I have seen their maker. I have stood on the dim shore beyond time and matter and seen it. It moves through strange curves and outrageous angles. Some day I shall travel in time and meet it face to face.

Coming soon



C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner

A story in which Jirel of Joiry joins forces with Northwest Smith.

Man Can Now
Talk With God


A new and revolutionary religious teaching based entirely on the misunderstood sayings of the Galilean Caipenter, and designed to show how we may find, understand and use the same identical power which Jesus used in performing His so-called Miracles," is attracting world wide attention to its founder, Dr. Frank B. Robinson, noted psychologist, author and lecturer.

"Psychiana," this new psychological religion, believes and teaches that it is today possible for every normal human being, understanding spiritual law as Christ understood it, "to duplicate every work that the Carpenter of Galilee ever did"—it believes and teaches that when He said, "the things that I do shall ye do also," He meant what He said and meant it literally to all mankind, through all the ages.

Dr. Robinson has prepared a 6000 word treatise on "Psychiana," in which he tells about his long search for the Truth, how he finally came to the full realization of an Unseen Power or force "so dynamic in itself that all other powers and force fade into insignificance beside it"—how he learned to commune directly with the Living God, using this mighty, never-failing power to demonstrate health, happiness and financial success, and how any normal being may find and use it as Jesus did. He is now offering this treatise free to every reader of this magazine who writes him.

If you want to read this "highly interesting, revolutionary and fascinating story of the discovery of a great Truth," just send your name and address to Dr. Frank B. Robinson, 413 Sixth St., Moscow. Idaho. It will be sent free and postpaid without cost or obligation. Write the Doctor today.—Copyright, 1935, Dr. Frank B. Robinson.


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