Page:Weird Tales volume 32 number 05.djvu/120

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International correspondence courses p. 130
International correspondence courses p. 130

Are you "going places" in this world? Places like A Better Job . . . Better Pay . . . A Brighter Future? Not if lack of training is a perma- nent stop-Iiaht on your road through life! The International Correspondence Schools have trained thousands of ambitious men and women for bigger, Letter paying jobs. Look around you — and you'll see I. C. S. trained men holding down high-salaried positions in every field of business and industry. By the same token, many of the I. C. S. students of today are tomorrow's suc- cessful men! Will you he numbered among them? N T E R N AT I O N A L CO R R E S P O N D E N C ESC H O O ll S BOX 2114-G, SCRANTON, PENNA. Without cost or obligation, please send me a copy of your booklet, "Who Wins and Why," and full particulars about the subject before which I have marked X: TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES D Architect □ Arcliitooturul Draftsman □ Bui'.diDB Estimating □ Contractor and Bwilder Q Structural Draftsman □ Structural Engineer □ Management of Inventions O Elcctrioa! Engineer □ Electric LigL.:ing □ Welding, Electric and Gas □ I'-cadirg Shop Blueprints □ Heat Treatment of Metals D Business Management O InduFtrir.l >.1nr.iiErftment D Traffic Msnagemeat D Accountancy □ Cost Accountant □ C. P. Accountant O Home! Dressmaking □ Professional Dressmaking and □ Commercial Refrigeration □ Plumbing . □ F.toam Fitting □ Heoim5 □ Ventilation □ Air Conditioning and Cooling □ Steam Engineer □ ireira Electric Engineer O Marine Engineer OS.Il. Locomotives O R. R. Section Foreman □ Air Brakes □ R R. Signalmen □ Ki-hway Enfrineoriotc O Civil Engineering BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES O BookkecpiDg C Service Station Salesmanship □ Secretarial Work . □ First Year College Subjeota □ Spani3h D Business Correspondence O French □ Stenography and Typing IT] Salesmanship ' □ Civil Service □ Mail Carrier O Advertising □ Railway Mail Clerk DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES Q Advanced Dressmaking □ Foods and Cookery Designing □ Tea Room and Cafeteria Management, Catering □ Sheet Metal Worker O Boilorcnaiccr O Telegraph Engineer □ Telephone Work O Radio □ Mechanical Engineering □ Mechanical Draftsman □ Machinist □ Tcolrnaker □ Patternmaker □ Dienel Engines □ Aviation Engines □ Auto Technician O Auto Elocilioal Technician □ Survsym/r and Mapping □ Bridge Engineer □ Bridge and Building Foreman □ Chemistry O Pharmacy □ Coal Mining O Mine Foreman □ Fir* Bosses □ Navigation O Cotton Manufacturing; □ Woolen Manufacturing O Agriculture □ Fruit Grow ir.g CI Poultry Farming D Grade School Subjects □ High Scl.ool tiubieeta □ College Preparatory D Illustrating D Cartooning □ Lettering Show Cards □ Signa ■Age Address Name...~ «..•• City _ ~State.~ .. Present Position _ _ H // siou reside in Canada, send this coupon to the International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Limited, Montreal, Canada If yon reside in England, tend coupon to I. C. B., 71 Kingaway, London, W. C. i, England Please mention Newsstand Fiction Unit when answering advertisements