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hope, and charity, may participate in the life of the living Christ.

"God in Christ, and Christ in the Church"—that is the profound conviction by which all our actions are inspired. That we should be accused of being insubordinate to the authority of the Church and theology, and of turning to the "pure Gospel," proves that you do not know our works. It shows us also that Loisy, Laberthonnière, Tyrrell, and others, who had built up anew the most solid apology for Christianity against Protestant rationalists, have been disowned, and their works condemned, not on account of errors, but by reason of the prejudice with which they have been judged. And it shows us even more clearly that authority, incapable of entering into the spirit and understanding the writings of its faithful and deserving servants, does not confute, does not discuss, but condemns, and condemns because it does not understand.