Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/177

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men he had killed. Mbwa, without permission, seized two of the hearts, and ran out quickly. Nja-ya-melema-mya-bato followed after him, running rapidly, da! da! da! But he did not overtake Mbwa.

Mbwa ran in haste with the hearts, on to his village. There he thrust the new lives into the children. The twins arose again to life and stood, to show themselves, and then they sat down.

Those twins went on growing, and became stout young men.

One day they said to Mbwa, "We want guns." He went to his father, in the town, and said, "I want two guns." His father produced two guns for him. He took them, went to his home, and handed them to the twins. Then they tried the guns, and loaded them.

Next day, in the morning, they went out early to hunt; they killed two gazelles; and they took them to their village. Mbwa cut up one of the beasts; and he said to his mother, "Cook it." Then he took the other one to his father. His father cut it up; and he called Majanga and Inyanji; and, dividing the meat, he said to them, "Go ye, and cook these in the pot, and those in a jomba." (Mbwa himself was still in the house watching them.) They boiled, and cooked; they put in the salt and pepper; and were about to taste the soup when Mbwa said, "Not so! This meat is not to be eaten by women."

They took the food to the Reception-house, where their husband Njambu ate; and he laid aside some for them. But, what he laid aside for those women, Mbwa drew away and ate. Then he returned to his home. His mother made food; and they ate, all four of them.

Next morning, the twins returned to their hunting. They killed also three antelopes, and they carried them to take them to their home, and left them in the path on the way outside of the village. In the village, they said to Mbwa, "Go, and bring the beasts from the forest."

Mbwa started, and brought them to the village. He carried two to his father. His brothers exclaimed, "Where does Mbwa kill all those animals?" His father cut up the animals, and divided one with his children. He cut up the other, saying, "This belongs to myself." Then he prepared