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Mr. M. K. Chen


(Ch'en Mou-chieh)

Mr. M. K. Chen was born at Minuhsien, Fukien Province, in 1887. Being a member of an educated family he was given thorough education in his youth. He went to the United States of America in 1996 for higher education. Soon after his arrival, he joined the Cook Academy, where he graduated in 1909. Dr. Wu Ting-fang, then Chinese Minister to America granted to him a government scholarship in recognition of his good record. In 1909 Mr. Chen joined Cornell University where he specialized in civil engineering. During his attendance at that university he wrote a thesis on "Hydraulic Surges in Stand Pipes.” In 1911 he was chosen as captain of a survey party. One year later he graduated from Cornell After his graduation he returned to China, and was appointed Technical