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Dr. Chang was appointed a secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. From this position he soon resigned to become the editor of the Young Nation and also assistant editor of the Justice of which Mr. Liang Chi-chiao was the founder and chief editor. In 1913 Dr. Chang went to Germany and there studied in Berlin University. He spent almost a year in England doing research work in Political Science before he returned to China in April 1916. Subsequently, Dr. Chang was appointed chief of the Foreign Affairs Bureau at Hangchow, Chekiang Province. He had not held this position long when he became general manager of the China Times, Shanghai. The present work of Dr. Chang is that of a writer. He has been elected president of the Institute of Self-Government in Kiangsu. He is planning to take a trip in October this year to America to engage several professors for his Institute. Dr. Chang' is the author of many standard works among which are Draft for the Chinese Constitution, Social Democracy in New Germany and many philosophical articles. His present address is No. 37, Moulmein Road, Shanghai.