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Mr. Chu Yu-chi


Mr. Chu Yu-chi was born at Paoshan Hsien, Kiangsu, in 1886. His father, the late Chu Chih-chao, assisted Li Hung-chang in founding the China Merchants Navigation Company, in establishing telegraphic communication between China and Korea, and in opening the Kaiping and Pingchuan Mines. The initiation of the building of the Shanghai-Woosung Railway was also his. When his father was in the North as the Yung Ting Ho Taotai and Director General of the North China Telegraph Administration, Mr. Chu was with him serving as private secretary. In 1906 Mr. Chu joined the secretariat of General Chiang Kuei-ti who was then the Commander-in-Chief of the I Chun Troops. At the outbreak of the First