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General Chang Chung-chang


From a common soldier to Fieldmarshaldom in the brief space of a few years in the remarkable record of General Chang Chung-chang, Commander of the First Fengtien Army which conquered Shanghai and vicinity and defeated the Chihli forces in their last stand against the Anfu-Fengtien forces early in 1925. General Chang spent his early years in Manchuria. He was born in Shangtung province in 1881. During the Russo-Japanese War, the Czarists offered him a commission in their army and he was given the rank of Captain and won a considerable reputation for his bravery and energy. When the first revolution broke out in China in 1911, he at once identified himself with the Republican cause. With the assistance of Lieut-Col. T. C. Soo, now his foreign advisor, but at that time compradore of Bryner, Konsentzoff and Co. of Siberia, he organized the first force of Manchurian troops to be despatched to Shanghai to attack the government arsenal. Six hundred men and 100 horses were shipped to the lower