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Mr. Hsieh Tu-pi

薛篤弼 字子良

Mr. Hsieh Tu-pi was born at Chieh Hsieh, Shansi province, in 1892. He was graduated from the Shansi Provincial Law College. In February 1912 Mr. Hsieh, was appointed a Judge of the Local Court of Hotung District, Shansi. In October of the same year he was transferred to become Judge of the Local Court of Pingyang District. In December 1914 Mr. Hsieh was appointed by the Commander of the 16th Mixed Brigade, who was then no other person than General Feng Yu-hsiang, to be Secretary. Mr. Hsieh became Military Judge to the same Brigade. In April 1918 he received a concurrent position as Chief of the Ching-shih Likin Station in Hunan in which province the 16th Mixed Brigade was then stationed. In July he was transferred to be Chief of the Chang-teh Likin Station, still holding the position of Military Judge of the Brigade. In August 1918 Mr. Hsieh was awarded the Third Class Chiaho in recognition of service rendered in connection with recapturing the city of Chang-teh, Hunan, from the hands of Southern leaders. In July 1919 Mr. Hsieh was