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Mr. Hsu Fu-lin


Mr. Hsu Fu-lin was born at Ho-ping Hsien, Kuangtung Province, in 1870. He became an orphan when he was only three years old. But he was a studious boy and now is one of the noted scholars in that province. Under the old Competitive Examination system, Mr. Hsu was a Senior Licentiate. From the Peking Law College he graduated and then he went to study in Japan. He graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Law from the Hosie University. After his return to China, Mr. Hsu became a secretary to the Judicial Commissioner—then called Ch'a Shih-of his own province. Mr. Hsu played an important part in the First Revolution. He was provincial assemblyman chosen by the Ho-ping district to Canton. In January 1912 he was in Nanking as a member of the National Council which drafted the Provisional Constitiution. This Council was transferred to Peking in March 1912 to act as the Legislature until the inauguration of the new two-chamber National Assembly. This Assembly was formally