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Mr. Ku Chung-hsin


Mr. Ku Chung-hsin was born at Ting Hsien, Chihli Province, in 1874. He studied Chinese under the famous literate Wu Ju-lung, the founder of the Tung-ch'eng School. In 1900 Mr. Ku attended the Chihli Provincial Examination granted by Imperial Grace, and came out first on the list, receiving the title of Yu Kung or Senior Licentiate thus qualifying to be admitted to the metropolitan competition. Having passed the metropolitan examination he was given the qualification to be a magistrate. However, he did not take up any magistrate's post because soon after he entered the Imperial University of Peking. In 1901 Dr. Ku went to Japan to study in Waseda University where he was later graduated. Upon his return to China he became a teacher in the High Normal School of Chihli. Subsequently Mr. Ku became the private secretary to Governor Tseng of Chihli where he rendered great assistance in establishing not less than eight