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Mr. H. H. Kung


(K'ung Hsang hsi)

Mr. H. H. Kung, was born at Taikunsten, Shansi. He is the 75th direct descendant of Confucius. He was sent to America in 1901 by Viceroy Li Hung-chang for Western education. In 1906 he obtained the degree of B. A. at Oberlin Colleg The following year he received the degree of M. A. from Yale University. Mr. Kung returned to Shansi in 1907, where he organized the Shansi Oberlin Memorial College, of which he has since been president. He is an active Christian and is chairman of the Y. M. C. A. in Taiyuanfu. During the first revolution in 1911 he became the civil and military head of the Taikuhsien district, and kept that rich historic banking center in order. Mr. Kung is adviser to the "model Governor" Yen Hsih-shan, of Shansi, and a leading promoter in the industrial development of his native province. He is on the directorate of many banks both in Shansi and elsewhere. During the great famine in 1919 he helped to organize the Chinese Foreign Famine Relief Committee in Shansi, sitting