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been started the Chung Chow University of which he has the honor to be Dean. After holding this principalship two years he resigned to accept the headship of the Fu Chung College of Mines at Chao Chow, which position he held three years, resigning at the entreaty of President H. L. Chang and others to become Dean and architect for the building of Chung Chow University. Mr. Lee was assistant architect to Shattuck and Hussey at the laying of the foundations of the Peking Union Medical College in 1917-18, President of the Honan Teachers Alliance and author of a plan to establish an independent educational fund for the province of Honan. He has contributed several articles to leading magazines, one being a plan to reconstruct China. Mr. Lee, besides being the Dean at Chung Chow University, is at present engaged in erecting several dormitories and an $80,000.00 Science Hall for that institution.