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Marquis W. H. Li


(Li Kuo-chich)

Marquis W. H. Li, the eldest grandson of the celebrated statesman and soldier, Li Hung-chang, was born at He-Tei Hsien, Anhui, in 1881. He showed unusual public spirit, even when in childhood. In 1901 when his grandfather died, he took on the title of Marquis from the Ta Ching Dynasty out of respect to the late Prime Minister and was given the post of Assistant Chamberlain, commanding the Palace Guard. Later, where he established many workshops for the Manchu soldiers and apportioned lands for reclamation work in order to enable them to make their own livelihood without always depending upon the allowance given them by the government. Before completing his work, he was transferred, after serving for more than a year, to Peking to become the senior councillor of the Board of Agriculture, Works and Commerce. In this capacity, the Marquis drafted a set of regulations for the promotion of the mining industry as well as a memorandum planning for the establishment of a constitutional