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he studied at Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, where he received his B. S. degree. He then studied at Oberlin. Next he went to the University of Illinois where he received his B. A. degree in 1917 and his M. A. in 1918. In 1919 he returned to China to help build up an educational system. Mr. G. H. Lee having resigned the presidency of the Government Preparatory School at Kaifeng to accept other work, Mr. Chang was in August 1919, elected to the office. In 1923 he was able to get the Honan Assembly to change the nature of the school into a university for the entire province. Chung Chow University is now its new name and Mr. Chang its President. Largely through his influence the school has been put on a permanent basis of provincial taxation, a strong faculty has been selected of both Chinese and foreigners, and several modern buildings are now going up on a campus suited and plotted for the future expansion sure to come. In 1924 Mr. Chang wrote an important article on Chinese-Japanese Relations which was published widely in America.