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Mr. V. Fong Lam


(Lin Yun-fang)

Mr. V. Fong Lam, was born in 1891 in Canton, where he received his preliminary education. In 1909 he went to America to further his studies first in a preparatory school in Brooklyn, New York, and two years later in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here he took up the special five years course in Naval Construction, a course similarly offered in the same Institute to the graduates of the Annapolis Naval Academy. After his graduation from the Institute, Mr. Lam worked for three years in The New London Ship and Engine Co. and the New York Shipbuilding Co. in many minor positions in order to supplement the theoretical training with the practical experience he was then gaining. At the end of 1919 Mr. Lam returned to China. Prior to his return he realized that the time for the development of the shipbuilding industry in China had not arrived,