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Mr. H. Y. Moh


(Mu Hsiang-yueh)

Mr. H. Y. Moh was born at Shanghai in 1877. Between 1891 and 1898 he worked in the cotton store owned by his father. Mr. Moh attended school from 1898 to 1900. From 1900 to 1905 he served as a clerk in the Shanghai Maritime Customs. In 1906 he became supervisor as well as English instructor at the Loong Meng Normal School Shanghai. Early in 1907, he was sent by the directors of the Kiangsu Railway Company to investigate the railway police system in Northern and Central China. In the same year, he was made Chief of the Police Department of the company. This position he held till the end of 1908. In 1909, Mr. Moh sailed for the United States and entered the University of Wisconsin, where he stayed till 1911. Then he transferred his studies to the University of Illinois, where he completed