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Mr. Shao Chen-ching


Mr. Shao Chen-ch'ing was born at Hangchow, Chekiang province, in 1889 and graduated from the High Provincial College of Chekiang. After graduation be taught three years in several middle and normal schools. During the First Revolution in 1911-12, Mr. Shao was editor of the Han Ming Jih Pao, Kuomingtang paper, at Hangchow. Owing to his strong opposition against Yuan Shih-kai, his paper was proscribed by Yuan as a seditious organ, so in 1914 the Chekiang authorities were instructed by Peking to close down the Han Ming Jih Pao and to have the editor arrested and put into prison. Mr. Shao's life would have been taken if he did not have many friends to devise ways and means to save him. He remained in the prison for one year after which he was released and then went to Japan where he established the Tokyo Correspondence Service. Mr. Shao returned to China when Yuan Shih-kai's monarchical attempt was at its height. He became special correspondent for The Shun Pao and The China Times, two of the leading Chinese papers in Shanghai. After the